Begonia. Begonia ludwigii Irmsch. Begonia ludwigii Irmsch. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Begonia (family Begoniaceae). The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2012-03-23) which reports it as an accepted name (record 362196) with original publication details: Biblioth. Bot. 29: 113 1937


How do you say Begonia ludwigii? Listen to the audio pronunciation of Begonia ludwigii on pronouncekiwi

Begonia ludwigii Irmsch. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Begonia (family Begoniaceae). The record derives from WCSP which reports it as an accepted name (record 362196) with original publication details: Biblioth. Bot. 29: 113 1937. Begonia ludwigii é uma espécie de Begonia, [2] [3] nativa do Equador. [1] Referências Última edição a 26 de outubro de 2019, às 22h23min.

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Encyclopedia of Life · Wikipedia · Google Search  Begonia 'Little Brother Montgomery' | plant lust. Intensely ornamental 'Little Brother Montgomery' named for blues pianist & singer Eurreal W. Montgomery may  Species. Begonia aequatorialis L.B.Sm. & B.G.Schub. Species. Begonia beijnenii Y.P.Ang, Rubite, Tandang & R.Bustam. Species.

Begoniasläktet (Begonia) är ett släkte i familjen begoniaväxter. (2018), läst 2018-02-14 (Neotis ludwigii) är en utrotningshotad afrikansk fågel i familjen trappar 

Species. Begonia beijnenii Y.P.Ang, Rubite, Tandang & R.Bustam. Species.

Begonia ludwigii is a species of plant in the Begoniaceae family. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. It is threatened by habitat loss and it is endemic to Ecuador.

Well-branched, mounded 10-12 in., heat tolerant plants hold a multitude of 2-5 in., double and semi-double flowers well above their foliage from spring to fall. taxonomy of begonia serotina (begoniaceae) and allied species - volume 72 issue 3 Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. PDF | On Jan 7, 2020, M S Yamburov and others published Reproductive biology of a rare species Begonia ludwigii in greenhouse conditions of the Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk State University ? Begonia ludwigii Irmsch., 1937, augalų (Plantae) karalystės magnolijūnų (Angiospermae) skyriaus magnolijainių (Magnoliopsida) klasės (Violales) eilės (Begoniaceae) šeimos (Begonia) genties rūšis.? Begonia ludwigii Irmsch., 1937 rūšis yra įtraukta į Tarptautinės raudonosios knygos 3.1 versiją.

The genus contains aboot 1,400 different plant species. The Begonias are native tae moist subtropical an tropical climates. 01-ene-2016 - Pradeep Sandhu descrubrió este Pin. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. 12 Mar 2015 ludwigii Irmsch., while the circumscription of B. compacticaulis in the Flora of Ecuador is shown to be based on specimens of both B. ludwigii and  14 Feb 2020 begonia ludwigii sown 5 weeks ago has now Shameless plea for help - any advice for a small, epiphytic begonia species that I can actually  wfo-0000824652.
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Begonia ludwigii

2018-12-01 · Begonia ludwigii and B. parcifolia (Begoniaceae) two new records to the Peruvian flora Introduccion El genero Begonia comprende especies tropicales terrestres, las cuales pueden ser acaules, con tallo tipo cana, tallo suculento, herbaceo, arbustivo o trepador, raramente epifitas, con tuberculos generalmente cuando son especies dormantes (Doorenbos et al. 1998, Tebbitt 2005).

Traveling Mason begonia krukväxt: allt om funktionerna i utseende och korrekt skötsel. 89: 188 — leucococca 98: 344 — ludwigii 81: 23, 24, 33 — macrocyclos 83: 16, 17, 22.
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Begonia ludwigii est une espèce de plantes de la famille des Begoniaceae.L'espèce fait partie de la section Knesebeckia.Elle a été décrite en 1937 par Edgar Irmscher (1887-1968).

Published at 203 × 300 in Gallery · ← Previous Next → · Begonia ludwigii.


It is threatened by habitat loss and it is endemic to Ecuador . Sacramento Branch, American Begonia Society, May 2003 Begonia ludwigii photo by Julie Vanderwilt Irmscher by Morris Mueller Begonia ludwigii was discovered in Ecuador in 1931 by E. K. Gray and described in 1937 by Irmscher. This makes it a relative newcomer to the world of begonias when compared with the first begonias discovered over 200 years Begonia species Begonia ludwigii Name Synonyms Begonia compacticaulis Irmsch. Begonia ecuador hort. Begonia ecuador hort. ex E.K.Gray Begonia ecuadoriensis hort.

Patrick's Beard', a Tim Anderson hybrid. Any of various tropical or subtropical plants of the genus Begonia, widely Begonia ludwigii y B. parcifolia (Begoniaceae) dos registros nuevos para la flora   Intensely ornamental 'Little Brother Montgomery' named for blues pianist & singer Eurreal W. Montgomery may be the showiest & most colorful Begonia we've  Begonia acerifolia · Image of Begonia acerifolia.