Asked by Wiki User. See Answer. Top Answer. Wiki User. Answered 2012-10-02 07:01:20. L'affiche is singular feminine , Les affiches is plural feminine. 0 0 1. 🙏. 0.


In French, all nouns have a gender: masculine of feminine. Now, when it comes to people, it can be quite easy to guess if the noun is feminine or masculine in French : La femme, la mùre, la sƓur are all feminine nouns, whereas l’homme, le pùre, le frùre, are masculine.

Find this Pin and more on INSTAGRAM INSPO by Ailrick D. mine masculin feminin *graphic throwing my hands up in the air masculine feminine Design,. Den hÀr appen visar nyheter publicerade pÄ Pingvin Rugby Club's hemsida. Man kan Àven prenumerera pÄ nyheter och fÄ notifikationer nÀr en nyhet publiceras  mine masculin feminin *graphic throwing my hands up in the air masculine feminine LE PETIT SOLDAT L'affiche du film tourné en 1960 et sorti en 1963. de l'aristocratie, à la fois en tant que victimes de la violence masculine et trois textes étrangers, elle fait partie d'une européanisation féminine de la littérature. La voix de faire d'elle un élément moral clairement affiché dans son texte. Par. Le mondial masculin a donné des idées à nos clubs .

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Wiki User. Answered 2012-10-02 07:01:20. L'affiche is singular feminine , Les affiches is plural feminine. 0 0 1. 🙏. 0. đŸ€š.

Certain job titles do not have a separate feminine form because they already end in -e. Examples: un/une journalist e a journalist un/une librair e a bookseller un/une interprĂšt e an interpreter un/une ministr e a minister; Likewise, there are other job titles that only exist in the masculine form but refer to both men and women. Examples:

The masculine and feminine energy has nothing to do with gender, and both male and female can tap into both essences. Typically, one 28 Dec 2010 In French, nouns fall into the two categories of masculine and feminine. A a ( masc) = un > un crayon = a pencil a (fem) = une > une chaise = a chair The le = the (masculine, singular) le crayon = the
 l'a Translation for 'affichée' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. affichée {adjective feminine} affiché {adjective masculine}.

Asked by Wiki User. See Answer. Top Answer. Wiki User. Answered 2012-10-02 07:01:20. L'affiche is singular feminine , Les affiches is plural feminine. 0 0 1. 🙏. 0.

See Answer. Top Answer. Wiki User.


Affiche masculine or feminine

Le tribunal avait estimĂ© l'affiche sans rapport avec le thĂšme du film (une tous les personnages sont remplacĂ©s par des femmes, exceptĂ© un corps masculin vu   D'autres Ă©pingles similaires. isabelle anoh en pagne Robe Africaine Couture, Robe Africaine Moderne, Mode Africaine Femme,. affiche de film noun, feminine— dos d'une vieille affiche de film, de photographies trouvĂ©es, [] audiovisuelles, une affiche de film a de la valeur Ă  cause []. 24 mars 2021 Quatre jours aprĂšs un OL-PSG version masculine qui a vu un bon paquet Tout amateur de foot fĂ©minin qui se respecte voit bien que l'affiche  Masculin ou fĂ©minin ? Devinez le genre d'un nom par sa terminaison !

2011-10-02 · Favorite Answer. Don't bother about "l'affiche" .
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English translation of 'affiche'. [afiʃ ] feminine noun. 1. (dĂ©corative) poster. 2. (officielle) notice. 3. (Theatre) bill. ĂȘtre Ă  l’affiche to be on. tenir l’affiche to run.

Aug 23, 2015 - Affiches 81/2 X 11 féminin, masculin, singulier et pluriel. Aug 23, 2015 - Affiches 81/2 X 11 féminin, masculin, singulier et pluriel. Aug 23, 2015 - Affiches 81/2 X 11 féminin, masculin, singulier et pluriel. Affichage pour la classe - Masculin - Féminin - Cp - Grammaire - Cycle 2 Grammaire : Féminin ou masculin ? la fille une souris Quand on dit la / une c'est féminin. le garçon un chat Quand on dit le / un c'est masculin.

See Answer. Top Answer. Wiki User. Answered 2012-06-25 09:16:08. it's masculine: un poster. 0 0 1. 🙏. 1.

There are some actions that a girl or guy can do that can put them either as masculine or feminine. The feminine feelings are generally thought to be expected of females and the opposite for males. Take the simple test below and see which side you lie more on. All the best! 2019-01-28 · A noun is a word that represents a person, place, or thing, whether concrete (e.g., chair, dog) or abstract (idea, happiness). In French, all nouns have a gender—they are either masculine or feminine. The gender of some nouns makes sense ( homme [man] is masculine, femme [woman] is feminine) but others don't: the words personne [person] and victime Masculine or Feminine Gender March 9, 2018 June 13, 2016 by Pascal Dherve How to know if a word in French is masculine or feminine, not that easy, you need to learn them but we have some tips taking into account the end of these words.

chats. 7. feuilles de papier.