Anyone have any general Mechanical Engineering websites for news or magazines they subscribe to? So far, I get MSC (Modern Steel Construction) and …
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January-June 2021 - Vol 12 Num. 1. This new study on effects of gyroscope demonstrates the action on the spinning disc that the eight interrelated inertial torques system generated by its rotating masses. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering ISSN (Print): 2328-4102 ISSN (Online): 2328-4110 Website: Editor-in-chief: Kambiz Ebrahimi, Dr. SRINIVASA VENKATESHAPPA CHIKKOL. Submit an article Join Peer-Review Program.
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International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: journal: 1.458 Q1: 103: 606: 1426: 26103: 7566: 1417: 5.28: 43.07: 48: Thin-Walled Structures: journal: 1.446 Q1: 83: 585: 1178: 24146: 5609: 1175: 4.72: 41.28: 49: Journal of Sound and Vibration: journal: 1.437 Q1: 169: 601: 1735: 21801: 7523: 1692: 4.17: 36.27: 50: International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology: journal: 1.412 Q1: 27: 111: 170
Cambridge; Computer Science. Cambridge; Oxford; Mathematics. Cambridge; Oxford 7. GE Aviation.
(IJMMME): 2156-1680, 2156-1672: Science & Engineering Journals. aspects related with manufacturing, materials, and mechanical engineering.
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Our focus is on producing special issues related to upcoming topics of Process Mechanical Engineering and would welcome all proposals which include Digitalisation, IoT, AI, and new technologies in this area. Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering (JAME) provides the rapid publication of articles in all areas related to Mechanical Design, Application, Fluid Mechanics which includes Turbulent Flow, Hydrostatic Pressure, etc. JAME welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Instant Journal of Mechanical Engineering publishes papers of high quality through critical reviews and is intended to become a quality international journal in the field of mechanical engineering and automation. The journal features a mix of experimental, numerical, and theoretical articles dealing with all aspects of the field.