The total student population at the university is more than 24,000 students of which over 14,000 are enrolled in the undergraduate programs. The student to faculty ratio at the university is 8:1. Located in Amsterdam’s Zudias business district, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is an exciting place to study.


Vrije Universiteit (VU) har sitt hem i trevliga Amsterdam, i Nederländerna. På universitet studerar ca 25 000 studenter varav 3500 studenter är internationella.

Short CV. Since 2016 - Full Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2011-2015 - Group leader, Chemical Genomics Centre and Technical University Dortmund, Germany De Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (afgekort VU) is een brede onderzoeks- en onderwijsuniversiteit in Amsterdam. De VU is een van de twee universiteiten in Amsterdam, de andere is de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). In 2017 telde de VU 22.867 studenten. De VU heeft een eigen academisch ziekenhuis, het VU medisch centrum (VUmc).

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The Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam is considered to be one of the best universities in the world. Close to this hotbed. Genocide and Victimology: Eski, Yarin (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands): Books. Vrije Universitet. Projekt: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Land/stad: Nederländerna / Amsterdam.

Debatt. 2019-09-11 Peter van den Besselaar och Ulf Sandström, professor Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam resp. docent KTH 

De VU is een van de twee universiteiten in Amsterdam, de andere is de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). In 2017 telde de VU 22.867 studenten.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 42,840 likes · 270 talking about this · 61,935 were here. The most sustainable university in the Netherlands Change Your World

Also was mentioned that "Vrije Universiteit" and "Free University" should not be used any more by the university's staff. With its excellent educational and research programs VU University Amsterdam brings together talents in a wide range of disciplines from many different countries. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL De VU is een maatschappelijk betrokken onderzoeksuniversiteit, in Amsterdam, in het hart van het internationale zakencentrum de Zuidas. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam EN University of Amsterdam. A modern institution with a long and rich history, the UvA is one of Europe’s most prominent research-led universities.

De VU is een maatschappelijk betrokken onderzoeksuniversiteit, in Amsterdam, in het hart van het internationale zakencentrum de Zuidas. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
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Vrije universiteit amsterdam

With its excellent educational and research programs VU University Amsterdam brings together talents in a wide range of disciplines from many different countries. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL De VU is een maatschappelijk betrokken onderzoeksuniversiteit, in Amsterdam, in het hart van het internationale zakencentrum de Zuidas. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam EN At VU Amsterdam, you can choose from more than 200 Master's programmes at the intersection of fundamental, innovative scientific knowledge, academic education, social orientation and personal development. With your ambition, vision and study programme, you will make the difference. VU University Medical Center; Post-academic education; Career Services; PhD doctoral; Why choose VU Amsterdam.

The Dutch higher education system has been ranked 7th in the world by Universitas 21, a global network of research universities.
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is a collaboration between Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm, Lund University, Stockholm University and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

It brings together students from around the world to introduce them to the university, to Amsterdam and to make them feel at home. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam International Admissions. Currently, the application and admission process for international students at VU Amsterdam is a little complex. Students need to follow the proper application guidelines established by the university for UG and PG courses. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (in short VU Amsterdam) has a clear ambition: to contribute to a better world through outstanding education and ground-breaking research. VU Amsterdam strives to be a university where personal development and commitment to society play a leading role. Virtually explore Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in a fully immersive 360-degree experience.

Jan Kooter. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Nederländerna. Den information som finns i generna överförs till proteiner med 

Välj bland ett stort utbud hotell till bra priser. Boka online, betala på hotellet. Fördjupa i forskningsämnen där Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam är aktiv. Dessa ämnesetiketter kommer från medlemmarnas arbeten i denna organisation. Nederländerna. /Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/ Namn, Storlek, Senast ändrad.

It brings together students from around the world to introduce them to the university, to Amsterdam and to make them feel at home. 2020-11-02 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 42,840 likes · 270 talking about this · 61,935 were here.