Successive Hindi Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Successive in Hindi. It is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Hindi. There are always several meanings of each word in Hindi.
A lot of needless suffering is rooted in the misperceptions of success. In order to lead the life that you desire, you must define the meaning of success Paul Jun is a content strategist, community builder, writer, and photographer. He s
Information about successive in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Successive: following one after another without others coming in between. Synonyms: back-to-back, consecutive, sequent… Antonyms: inconsecutive, inconsequent, nonconsecutive… Successive is a word for things (or people) that follow each other in time. If three presidents in a row were over sixty, you could say, "Three successive presidents were over sixty." successive meaning. Meaning and Definition of successive. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of successive.
Learn more. Successive definition, following in order or in uninterrupted sequence; consecutive: three successive days. See more. Successive: following one after another without others coming in between.
of structure or meaning. Author Julian Johnson argues that Debussy's music exemplifies this idea, influencing the music of successive composers who took up
1. Following in uninterrupted order; consecutive: on three successive days.
‘They kept six successive clean sheets on their way to winning in Mali two years ago.’ ‘Bury is one of only five councils to move up a place in successive years.’ ‘There is no disagreement that councils have been starved of funds by successive governments.’ ‘For centuries the land has been tilled by successive generations of
| Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English to Xhosa Dictionary (Free).
meaning, emergence and intentionality that characterises the unfolding of the they appear as indissolubly linked to the successive definition of specific (and
What I mean is that when a team has 6 consecutive odd points that are The principal point is that Dallas Mavericks have 6 successive odd
Need to translate "varandra" from Swedish? Here are 2 possible meanings. (In successive votes, Parliament adopted the three legislative resolutions) This means aligning our positions before major international meetings.
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In a serial or successive manner, one following another.. Successively Meaning.
What does successive mean? Following in uninterrupted order; consecutive.
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least 60 minutes between successive exposures. Partial period consecutive samples mean value of the three consecutive results and use this in the total.
Although the lesson materials can be used for self study, they are intended for use with a … Next of Successive. Successively: in proper order or sequence. Previous of Successive. Subway System: an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city).
"Successive terms" simply means those that come next to each other. So 5 and 10 are successive terms. 10 and 15 are successive terms. The next successive term in the sequence you showed would be 30, because the sequence is going up by 5, and the next term would be 30.
In my care Optimized Successive Mean Quantization Transform · Apply SMQT on luminance of each pixel - it describes the formula to obtain the luminance from the RGB of June, 1941 The Mean Square Successive Difference. J. von Neumann, R. H. Kent, H. R. Bellinson, B. I. Hart. Ann. Math. Statist.
happening one after the other without any break: 2. happening one after the other without any…. Learn more. suc·ces·sive (sək-sĕs′ĭv) adj.