The VINX Indices consists of all share indices, sector indices and tradeable indices for benchmarking and derivatives trading. They are available in the currencies DKK, EUR, ISK, NOK and SEK, as well in price (PI), gross (GI) and net (NI) versions. For customised VINX Indices please contact


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More information about indices on NASDAQ OMX website; Updated; May 16, 2019 Pulp. Britain’s Reopening Is a Boon for Outperforming Small-Cap Funds. Apr 17, 2021. China’s Internet Stocks Face More Pain, Top Global Investors Say. Apr 16, 2021.

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Green Economy. Nasdaq OMX Green Economy . Nasdaq Green Economy Family (QGREEN, GRNWATER, etc.) The fund has returned 31.29 percent over the past year, 14.12 percent over the past three years, 16.80 percent over the past five years, and 13.40 percent over the past decade. Carbon Report - SEB Nordic Small Cap Fund Identifier: -| Report created on: Jun 17, 2020 | Holdings Date: Dec 31, 2019 | Benchmark: VINX Small Cap EUR (Net Return) Currency: EUR | Industry Classification: GICS | Company Breakdown Metrics: weighted average carbon intensity (tCO2e / Mio. revenue) | Value: 264'162'277.00 EUR OMX Nordic Mid-Cap EUR; N Industrials; N Industrial Goods & Services; VINX; VINX Small Cap; VINX Industrials; VINX Industrial Goods & Services; MSCI Europe Small Cap; MSCI World Small Cap; MCSI ACWI Investable Market Index (IMI) STOXX® Europe Total Market Small. The VINX Indices consists of all share indices, sector indices and tradeable indices for benchmarking and derivatives trading.

VINX Small Cap Net tillhandahålls av Nasdaq, Inc., som inte är en administratör som ingår i det register som avses i artikel 36 Europaparlamentets och rådets 

CCY, EUR  Luokan vertailuindeksi. Rahaston vertailuindeksi, Morningstar-vertailuindeksi. VINX Small Cap NR EUR, MSCI Nordic Countries Small Cap NR USD  19 aug 2019 VINX Small Cap NR SEK. Fondförvaltare.

19 aug 2019 VINX Small Cap NR SEK. Fondförvaltare. Marcus. Rylander Morningstar Equity Style Box™. Small. M id. L a rg e. Value. Blend. Growth.

Large; Middle; Small Data Center Service Our urban Data Center is located in the heart of the central Osaka. Strong foundation, earthquake-proof building, and reliable power supply system enable the integrated monitoring and stable operation 24 hours/7 days. Drilling of the Winx-1 exploration well located on the prolific Western Blocks, North Slope of Alaska has commenced. Red Emperor Resources' announced today that 88 Energy Limited(ASX/AIM: 88E), in its capacity as consortium operator, commenced drilling via Nordic Rig#3 at 15:15 Alaska time on 15 February –on scheduleNordic Rig#3 is drilling ahead at 880’. Natural resource exploration company, Red Emperor Resources (), has today provided an operational update on its preparations for the drilling of the Winx-1 exploration well, located on the Western Blocks, North Slope of Alaska.RMP, along with its consortium partners, 88 Energy (ASX/AIM:88E) and Otto Energy (ASX:OEL), will participate in the drilling of a highly prospective Nanushuk oil trend Name: VINX CORP: Established: February 20,1991: Capital: 596.03 million JPY: Officer: Koichi Imagi , President: Revenues: Consolidated net sales 19,515 million JPY(as Home page of, a jazz artist from Cannes, France. International touring vocalist, songwriter and Berklee College of Music professor VINX creator of the Soul Kitchen Creativity Retreats Vanguard Institutional Index fund offers diversified, low-turnover exposure to U.S. large-cap stocks at an attractive price.

1,072.00. 32.84 Free Float in % Profile VINX . VINX Corp. engages in the provision of information technology Nasdaq Global Indexes Nasdaq Global Indexes has been creating innovative, market-leading, transparent indexes since 1971. Today, our index offering spans geographies and asset classes and includes diverse families such as the Dividend and Income (includes Dividend Achievers ™), Dorsey Wright, Fixed Income (includes BulletShares ®), AlphaDEX ®, Global Equity, Green Economy, Nordic and The Next Investors have been investing in ASX small cap stocks for years, with their best small cap picks yielding returns of 1,200%, 1,120%, 900% and 678%. They have just revealed their hand-picked, FY2021 stock portfolio of high conviction long-term investments.
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NASDAQ OMX Small Cap VINX Small Cap EUR PI. VINX Small Cap SEK GI. VINX Small Cap SEK NI. VINX Small Cap Net tillhandahålls av Nasdaq, Inc., som inte är en administratör som ingår i det register som avses i artikel 36 Europaparlamentets och rådets  Få detaljerad information om OMX Stockholm Small Cap inklusive diagram, tekniska analyser, komponenter och mera. Index info VINXSCSEKNI, VINX Small Cap SEK NI, (SE) - Nasdaq.
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VINXSCSEKNI, VINX Small Cap SEK NI, (SE0002794008) Index info; Index activity; Historical prices

efter hur stora innehaven är med en ”cap”. Small satsas Index info VINXSCSEKNI, VINX Small Cap SEK NI, (SE) - Nasdaq. Small för krytpo Vi kommer nu gå igenom large cap, mid cap  De nordiska börserna handlades rejält uppåt på tisdagen. Samlingsindexet Vinx 30 var vid stängning upp 2,5 procent till nivån 977. Se jämförelser mellan kryptovalutor CryptoHunters vs Reddcoin vs Electroneum vs Conceal vs Polymath Network så som rankning, pris, börsvärde,  Created with Highstock 6.2.0 Log Linear Crypto Market Cap Comparison Bethereum, Ethorse, Cryptonia Poker 2019 2020 2021 $0.00 $5,000,000 $10,000,000  VINXSCSEKNI, VINX Small Cap SEK NI, (SE0002794008) GIW Web Service Specification Global Index Watch (GIW) is the direct web interface for index weights, components and more. To automate the retrieval of this data, view the secure web service specification. GIW Web Service Specification Global Index Watch (GIW) is the direct web interface for index weights, components and more.

SWINX ScanLev Cap Klient 2015.1.8 (103) Äldre versioner (kan inte köras med den nya 2015 verionen) SWINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.1.1 (93) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.0.3 (79) SWINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.0.2 (76) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.0.1 (73) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.0.0 (69) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient 3.0.3 (66) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient

Get the basic VINX Small Cap EUR PI (^VINXSCEURPI) option chain and pricing options for different maturity periods from Yahoo Finance. ODIN Small Cap - Mindre bolag, större potential. Läs mer och köp ODIN Small Cap här; Fonder i fokus. Nyheter. 2021.04.23. SWINX ScanLev Cap Klient 2015.1.8 (103) Äldre versioner (kan inte köras med den nya 2015 verionen) SWINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.1.1 (93) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.0.3 (79) SWINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.0.2 (76) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.0.1 (73) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient 4.0.0 (69) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient 3.0.3 (66) S WINX ScanLev Cap Klient In the second group we find the VINX Benchmark-, Small Cap- and Tradable Indexes.

2019-12-10 The fund invests mainly in equities of small and medium capitalization size companies  VINX Small Cap; VINX Industrials; VINX Industrial Goods & Services; MSCI Europe Small Cap; MSCI World Small Cap; MCSI ACWI Investable Market Index ( IMI)  VINX Small Cap Net tillhandahålls av Nasdaq, Inc., som inte är en administratör som ingår i det register som avses i artikel 36 Europaparlamentets och rådets  SEB Nordic Small Cap Fund a sub-fund of SEB SICAV 2. Class IC (EUR) the fund's return to the VINX Small Cap EUR NI Index, an index that includes equities   VINX SEK PI. VINX Small Cap EUR GI VINX Small Cap EUR NI VINX Small Cap EUR PI VINX Small Cap SEK GI VINX Small Cap SEK NI VINX Small Cap SEK  Referansegrunnlaget er VINX Small Cap NI. Vis mer. Lignende fond. Mest  NASDAQ OMX Small Cap Sweden GI. NOMXSCSENI. NASDAQ OMX Small Cap VINX Small Cap EUR PI. VINX Small Cap SEK GI. VINX Small Cap SEK NI. VINX Small Cap Net tillhandahålls av Nasdaq, Inc., som inte är en administratör som ingår i det register som avses i artikel 36 Europaparlamentets och rådets  Der Fondsmanager ist bestrebt, die Rendite des VINX Small Cap Net Return Index (Index, der Aktien kleinerer skandinavischer Unternehmen umfasst) zu  VINX Small Cap EUR NI, 2,142.41.