3 Mins Read. Food and nutrition company, Qualitas Health recently joined forces with Barcelona-based chemicals business Grupo Indukern and Stockholm-based food-tech investor Gullspång Re:food on the back of a successfully completed Series A funding round, both of which will help the company disrupt the algae protein market by developing new and innovative products.


2021-03-22 · I Sverige är Gullspång Invest en impact-investerare och genom samarbetet med Matsmart startas nu dotterbolaget Gullspång Refood. ”Vi letar innovativa lösningar för det globala matsystemet. Dagens mat produceras på ett extremt kostnadseffektivt sätt, men med bieffekten att vi anstränger vår planet för hårt och äter för ohälsosamt,” säger Gullspång Refoods medgrundare Peter Odemark och avslutar:

2021-03-24 · Gullspång Re:food VC comes with an impressive track record in foodTech companies with ambitions to build a more resilient food system. Prior examples include Oatly and N!CK’S. Grupo Indukern is a well-established, family-owned business focused on chemicals (Indukern, including food solutions and flavours), animal health products (Calier) and pharmaceuticals (Kern Pharma). 2021-03-25 · Peter Odemark, Gullspång Re:food managing partner, said, “Qualitas has a great story to tell. Its algae is cultivated in impressive pond systems built on nonarable land in the desert, place minimal footprint on the natural ecosystem, harnessing natural sun-power for energy and utilising saltwater, while creating jobs in rural communities. Gullspång Re:food invests in Swedish food waste reducing e-commerce platform, Matsmart/Motatos Food waste along the supply chain is one of the most pressing challenges of today’s food system.

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Jättarna tar sikte på storaffär – vill köpa Fortums andel i Stockholm Exergi Qualitas Health, Ltd., DBA iwi, announces a partnership with Grupo Indukern, Barcelona (Spain), and Gullspång Re:food VC, Stockholm (Sweden). These strategic partnerships enable Qualitas Health to accelerate company growth through development of innovative, algae-centered products and increase its footprint in the plant-based products market. Gullspång Re:food. Show advanced filters. Reset all . Qualitas Health partners with Grupo Indukern and Gullspång Re:food. The partnership aims to focus on applications and opportunities for the development of innovative, algae-centered products.

Gullspång Re:food Venture Capital & Private Equity Stockholm, Stockholm County 236 followers We make enduring investments in entrepreneurs solving the food system’s structural problems for

With the consolidation of sizeable Gullspång Re:food VC comes with an impressive track record in foodTech companies that strongly contribute to a more resilient food system. Prior examples include Oatly and N!CK’S. Grupo Indukern is a well-established, family-owned business focused on chemicals (Indukern, including food solutions and flavors), animal health products (Calier Plant-based omega-3 pioneers, Qualitas Health, Ltd., DBA iwi, announces a partnership with Grupo Indukern, Barcelona, and Gullspång Re:food VC, Stockholm. These strategic partnerships enable Qualitas Health to accelerate company growth through development of innovative, algae-centered products and increase its footprint in the plant-based Gullspång om Refood Invest: ”Vi håller just på att slutföra våra första investeringar” Gullspång Invests nystartade riskkapitalbolag Refood Invest är redan igång med sina första foodtech-investeringar, säger Gustaf Brandberg, partner på Gullspång Invest, till Realtid.

Gullspång Re:Food. We are here to make enduring investments in entrepreneurial spirits that believe they can solve the food system for coming generations. Contact us if you are one of them: philip@refoodinvest.com.

“Grupo Indukern and Gullspång Re:food are the perfect partners for the current scaling stage,” adds Calatayud. “They bring know-how and expertise, to iwi’s existing supplement business and wider recognition of our newly developed Nannochloropsis algae protein. They also provide a global vision, a distribution platform for Europe and Peter Odemark, Gullspång Re:food managing partner, said, “Qualitas has a great story to tell. Its algae is cultivated in impressive pond systems built on nonarable land in the desert, place minimal footprint on the natural ecosystem, harnessing natural sun-power for energy and utilising saltwater, while creating jobs in rural communities. Qualitas Health partners with Grupo Indukern and Gullspång Re:food. The partnership aims to focus on applications and opportunities for the development of innovative, algae-centered products.

Qualitas Health partners with Grupo Indukern and Gullspång Re:food. The partnership aims to focus on applications and opportunities for the development of innovative, algae-centered products.
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We make enduring investments in entrepreneurs solving the food system's structural problems for generations to  I dagarna har Gullspång Invest lanserat dotterbolaget Gullspång Re:food – ett svenskt investmentbolag enbart inriktat på mat och dryck.

Gullspång Re:food – which has also invested in the Swedish oat milk makter Oatly and Swedish low-fat 2021-03-24 · Gullspång Re:food VC comes with an impressive track record in foodTech companies that strongly contribute to a more resilient food system.
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5 days ago The investors in the funding round include Lever VC, Gullspang Re:food, Humboldt Fund, Green Monday Ventures, and an unnamed European 

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Ta del av allt som händer i Gullspång. En tvåårig flicka hittades död i en brinnande villa i Gullspång under natten mot Låt Lebanese Food fixa festens mat.


Gullspång Re:food Invest har ett mycket tydligt fokus på förändringsdrivande investeringar inom mat och dryck, där matsvinn är ett prioriterat område. – Det är möjligt att klara de globala klimat- och miljömålen till 2030 och att stoppa den ökande ohälsan orsakad av mat, men bara om det globala matsystemet reformeras. Säljer fin lägenhet i centrala Gullspång. 3 Rum; 4718 kr/mån; 73 m Gullspång Re:food Invest har ett mycket tydligt fokus på förändringsdrivande investeringar inom mat och dryck, där matsvinn är ett prioriterat område. – Det är möjligt att klara de globala klimat- och miljömålen till 2030 och att stoppa den ökande ohälsan orsakad av mat, men bara om det globala matsystemet reformeras. Välkommen till Högsås Stene 1, en gård med fastigheter i både Gullspångs och Laxå kommun. Med närhet till fin natur och badsjö i kanten av Tiveden, finner ni nu här möjligheten att förvärva sex fastigheter som har en areal på ca 8,8 ha, där merparten är fin uppvuxen skogsmark på ca 6 ha och åkermark på ca 2 ha.